Wednesday, February 3, 2010

National and Political Dimensions in the Thought and Practice of the Students Movement in An-Najah National University and its Effect on the Political

National and Political Dimensions in the Thought and Practice of the Students Movement in An-Najah National University and its Effect on the Political Development


Basel Mohamad Issa Abu Baker

Prof. Abed EL-Sattar Kasseem -
Discussion Commity

145 صفحة
Abstract :


This study deals with the students' movement in An-Najah National University. The students’ movement has been chosen because it is considered one of the most important sections of society in regard to effect and size. It also has an important role in deciding the general features of the political system; it also forms the first motives for political change. This study has focused on University students because they are the most aware and impressive in this section. But the choice of An-Najah National University is due to two reasons:

First,the great role of this university especially it is the largest in the West Bank as it was stated in “Statistics Guide for the Palestinian Universities and Institutes 1997/98 “which was Published by the Ministry of Higher Studies in Sep 1998, except for AL-Quds Open University which applies Tele-education system. Second, it is situated in Nablus, the largest of the Palestinian Northern cities and the nearest to the center. Third, for decreasing effort while Israeli policy of closure and isolation of Palestinian areas is continuous.

This study tries to state the political and national dimensions in the thought and practice of the students, movement, taking into consideration that the national dimensions serve the public national welfare and that the political dimensions form preventive measures against falling in small restrictive parties and individual affairs.

This study aims to follow up the harmony and agreement between theories and practices which is embodied in the daily speeches of the students, movement at An-Najah National University. This study has been distributed on four cores which are: Concepts and previous studies, thought and practice in Palestine and the Arab countries, the Palestinian student’s movement, the political and national dimensions in theory and practice of the students' parties in An-Najah National University.

The study has come out with some results. The most important are the following:

The declination of the role of the students, movement at An-Najah National University in the sphere of the national struggle, democratic construction and syndicalistic work after Oslo agreement while keeping the periodic election of a students, council. The efforts of the students didn’t unite to form one resort representative for the Palestinian students, movement because the Palestinian General Union of Palestinian Students failed to be a true representation for the students, movement in the Palestinian Universities. On the other hand, the students, movements at An-Najah National University wasn’t committed to its elective choice, which weakened the representative role of the students, council as it didn’t represent the different parties of the students, movement. The students, movement accepted the orders and pressure of Palestinian Political groups and their power centers, thus it became dependent though it is supposed to be independent. The student leaders adopted individual spontainious approach in leading the students, movement without involving the students in planning programs and Polices besides the absence of women in the leadership of this movement.

Concerning the relation with the social and political environment, the Palestinian authority played an important role in weakening the students, movement by including those who support Oslo agreement and arresting the active opponents. While the relation with the university administration and deanship of student affairs was full of anxiety and disagreement, the relation with the teaching staff was not comprehensive or academic. It was affected by the political situations. Moreover, the relation with the local community declined after the halt of the voluntary work.

The narrow political dimensions and private welfare formed the criterion of the students, confederation instead of the national dimensions and the public welfare. The students' movement failed in devoting free of opinion and multiplicity.

Instead, mutual threat and suspicion of patriotism prevailed. In addition, the students, parties exchanged accusation of telling lies and financial corruption and practiced violence against each other. All these things have negative effects on the political development in Palestine.

Full Article

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