Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Religious Understanding guidelines For Enjoining The Right And Forbidding The Wrong General Sharia Defense

Religious Understanding guidelines For Enjoining The Right And Forbidding The Wrong General Sharia Defense PDF

Nasser Khalil Mohammad Abu Dayyeh

Dr. Jamal Ahmad Zeid Al-Kilani -
Discussion Commity

Abstract :


The thesis is divided into preface and three main chapters. The preface emphasizes the importance of enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong in preserving the Islamic Sharia aims through its rank as one of necessity. It also asserts its importance in Islamic governance as essential part of all of its features.

The first chapter handles the concept of enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong linguistically and terminologically. It also discusses the comprehensive definition of the concept and related terminology. The concept of sharia defense is given special attention together with its religious roots.

I also explained the order of enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong in view of general legality and the kind of "must" pertinent to it.


In the second chapter, I dealt with the branches of enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong and the conditions attached to it: the carrier and the one meant to be carried for, the ordered to enjoin the right and the warned to avoid the wrong. Conditions attached to different cases are exposed. I ended the chapter with degrees of accountability.

I discussed the stages of enjoining the right and the forbidding the wrong in the third chapter. I pinpointed the preceding bases, religious understanding of the de facto situation together with its concept and religious roots. Also I discussed the religious understanding of the priorities: concept and roots; the interest with its concept and its guidelines and appreciation in sharia. All are related to the concept of enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong.

Also I dealt with degrees of straightening the wrong: through direct hand action and its guidelines; through the tongue and its guidelines. I ended chapter in providing the rules of trespassing and violation in the process of enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong.

Finally, I concluded my research with many guidelines that should be observed in as far as the subject of thesis is concerned. Hoping that the benefit will materialize. I recommended all Moslem preachers to observe these guidelines.

Full Article

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